What Are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are our basically raw materials in our body. They are the original cells that generate other specialized cells. Stem cells divide in order to create more cells which are called daughter cells. Daughter cells can then become brand new stem cells or they can be specialized cells. Specialized cells have distinct functions where they work directly in either the body’s blood, brain, bones, or heart.
Stem cells can be sourced and/or donated from the following:
Perinatal Stem Cells: Stem cells have been found in amniotic fluid along with being in the umbilical cord blood by researchers. This type of stem cell has the ability to convert into specialized cells.
Embryonic Stem Cells: Stem cells which come from embryos that are ONLY between 3-5 days old. During this time the embryo is called a blastocyst which has around 150 cells. These cells can also divide into more stem cells or they can be used as any type of cell in the body and can be used to fix or regenerate ill tissue and organs.
Adult Stem Cells (Bone Marrow): Stem cells which are found in low numbers in the fat, bone marrow, or tissues in the adult body. Unlike embryonic stem cells, these cells have limited work potential. Adult stem cells might be able to create other types of cells, but this possibility is still being researched.
Types of Stem Cells:
Did you know that researchers actually categorize stem cells according to their potential differentiation?
Totipotent: Stem cells that can differentiate into various cell types. These are the first cells to form as the zygote starts to divide.
Pluripotent: Stem cells that can turn into almost ANY cell. These are the early embryo cells.
Multipotent: Stem cells that can change into a close related family of cells.
Oligopotent: Stem cells that can change into a few different cell types. Only adult lymphoid and myeloid stem cells have this ability.
Unipotent: Stem cells that can only produce one kind of cell which is their own kind. Even though they do not divide in order to change, they are still considered to be stem cells due to their ability to renew themselves.