Yoga to end a long day of work
10 minute after work yoga guide
After working 8 long hours your body needs to unwind and relax. Most of us sit in an office chair for a majority of our work day where we can often lose track of our body movements. Yoga is an excellent way to combat tight and sore muscles caused by prolonged sitting. Sitting for long periods of time is not good for our health at all and can cause back pains, sore muscles and can even cause cardiovascular diseases. Here is a 10 minute after work yoga routine you can try to stretch your muscles:
Tadasana- Mountain Pose: Improves Posture
Come to a standing position with your feet together in a parallel position. Choose a position of stability, you can either have your feet touching or space them out. Lift your toes and spread them out slightly, and firmly root your feet on the floor (and or mat). Keep your legs straight! Your pelvis should be straight in alignment as well. Move your shoulders forward, up to your ears, and then down to bring your shoulder blades onto your back. Open your palms to the side od you so they are front facing.
Uttanasana- Forward Fold: Stimulates body systems
From the mountain pose you are going to bend your knees slightly and move forward leaving you hips flat. Then bring your palms to meet the floor so they rest flesh against the ground. Relax your head and keep your spine straight in order to feel the stretch.
Adho Mukha Shvanasana- Downward facing dog: Stimulates nervous system
Plant your feet flesh against the ground parallel to one another, bring your hands next to your shoulders, and lift the hips towards the ceiling. Your fingers should be spread out with your hands flesh against the ground as well. Firmly press your weight into your hands, push your chest towards the mat while holding your hips towards the ceiling.
Parsvottanasana- Pyramid Pose: Improves balance
Your back foot should be flat on the floor, slightly facing your upper body. Make sure both of your hips are leveled and paralleled. Push your chest forward and down. You can bring your hands to either side of your front leg, interlace your hands behind your back and stretch your shoulders or bring your hands to a clasp behind your back.
Balasana- Child Pose: Clams the mind, body and soul
Get onto all fours and bring your knees together, your feet should touch side by side. Your arms should be placed next to your body, with your palms facing up or you can extend them palms facing down. Slowly breathe in deeply.