10 fun indoor activities to do by yourself or with your family

by Madison Dookheran
  1. Make slime!

Slime has become a favorite for individuals of all ages. You can easily make slime by mixing the following:

  1. 1 cup washable school glue.
  2. 1 teaspoon baking soda.
  3. 2 to 3 tablespoons of contact or all-purpose solution.

You can also add in charms and glitter!


  1. Create some art!

Creating art is not only fun but relaxing as well. There isn’t a better feeling than creating something from nothing. You can use materials like paint, crayons, charcoal, graphite, colored pencils, magazines, and even food! Try making a macaroni painting!


  1. Listen to a podcast!

There are tons of podcasts out there for you to listen to that can help step up your imagination. There are podcasts (audio blogs) about so many different topics that you are bound to find something intriguing.


  1. Take a virtual tour of an aquarium!

Bring the aquarium home to you and watch beautiful oceanic scenes right from the comfort of your own home. There are videos which you can find right on YouTube like the Georgia Aquarium walk through.


  1. Cook up something new!

Who doesn’t love to eat delicious foods, might as well try recreating a dish. Find out what you are in the mood for, whether it is Italian, Chinese or even Indian. Once you decide on a type, look up how to create a dish from that culture!


  1. Set up a karaoke spot in your home!

Music can help us break free from the trouble of our daily lives. Why not enjoy it in a different way, belt the lyrics out and sing until your heart is content.


  1. Do a DIY project!

This is a great way to be creative while being home, and most of us have all the materials we need at home! Did you know you can create a bed for your pets with just an old sweatshirt, which you could either fill with older clothes or pillow stuffing?


  1. Try doing a themed food day!

Food is universal and so is music. You can cook (or buy) foods that can relate to your favorite shows and movies while playing their soundtracks to set the mood. You can also do different foods from around the world while also playing music from these countries in order to really set the mood.


  1. Start a windowsill garden!

There are tons of herbs that can grow right on your windowsill in a flower pot like thyme, sage, basil, parsley and more. You can either get seeds and plant or head over to your local plant stores and purchase some herbs along with a flower pot. Before purchasing a flower pot make sure you measure your window sill so you know exactly how large of a pot you need!


  1. Have an indoor picnic!

It is very common for people to do outdoor picnics but how come not many people do them inside? You can lay out a nice picnic blanket on the floor, light some candles and maybe some incense to set the mood.